I’m still honestly surprised you aren’t a fan of “degrowth”, considering how perfectly contrarian it is.

Like if we define “growth” as “politicians gaslighting people about their decline in living standards”, who *wouldn’t* be opposed to that?!?

Yes, this definition discounts the “developing” world, where living standards frequently have legitimately improved, but since when did Marxist-Leninists care about that? It’s not like you’re a Maoist, after all…

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> Caleb Maupin has a simple, clear, 7-minute explanation for the TRPF and overproduction…

Someone who casts shade on his enemies by labeling them “synthetic” must surely have a clear, intuitive grasp of his Hegel (not to mention his materialist dialectic). Yes, daddy, tell me more!


​(I’m actually older than Caleb Maupin, but anyone can be a daddy if they want…)

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