Dunno if this is important to bring up or not- had I seen it in US media I'd have figured the purpose of publicizing it was to slam the GOP.

But it was in RT.

<<Soros funding US pro-Palestinian protests – media

A network of nonprofits has reportedly paid student groups organizing tent cities in colleges, according to the New York Post>>


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P Money, let me begin by saying I think the work you do is important and needed. Full stop. Just thank you. I agree that the behavior you outline helps no one

I do however; have two snits

1: the opposite of schadenfreude is freudenfreude, which is the feeling of joy for someone else’s joy

2: this is still schadenfreude in the classic sense. These people are not actually standing up for anyone, there is no praxis here, it’s just people co-opting popular movements for social media clout and in-signaling for tribal biases. The poster who goes viral for sharing images of police brutality at a place they never considered going to, is looking for validation for smugly staying home and going viral instead

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